Starting Off...

As 2020 took hold of our lives and made most of us slow down and spend way more time at home than we were used to, I noticed a little something. The incredible amount of sheer waste my little family of 3 creates. Frankly, it's appalling. While I'm not even close to fixing that problem in our home in it's entirety, I have found some satisfaction and happiness from the solutions I have found.

I want to be very clear to start off with: The goal in my home in not to be waste free. I have a toddler, a full time job, and let's face it; I'm accustomed to living a certain type of way and my goal isn't to completely change our family's lifestyle. What I have found exciting is every time I have come across something new that replaces what we have been doing that was wasteful, and replacing it with a sustainable option and not noticing a difference in the time it takes to use the item or any added burden for completing the said purpose of the item. 

That's always been the thing with trying to conserve right? The amount of hassle? I know, I get it, and I'm there with you. That's why this new found passion of mine is finding the things that really replace in an effective and beneficial way.

Also to be clear, I lived a very wasteful manner for the majority of my life and so if you don't find this important, I don't judge you.  This is simply a way for me to share what I am excited about.  That being said, let's dive in!
