Let's talk kitchen stuff!
Zip lock baggies are plastic on plastic, and they are often only used once before we decide to throw them in the trash!
I will admit that I still buy baggies, but I just buy less and less. I have found an all silicone replacement with the brand Stasher, and I do absolutely love them. They have varying sizes to meet the needs that typical baggies would. Their price point is a bit high to just jump in head first in my opinion, but well worth it to slowly build a collection. I have purchased an off-brand version previously about a year ago and was not so thrilled with them. To be honest with you, I don't even remember the brand they were, but they did not stay closed at all which completely defeated the purpose.
The really cool thing about Stashers is the ability to freeze them and on the packaging it says you can cook with them. I have never tried cooking with them. I have frozen food in them though, and it works great! They really do seem to keep a seal, which is extremely important in my opinion.
I have also seen a brand that seems to be popular called Zip Top. Zip Top does seem to be a bit higher in price and I have had so much luck with Stashers that I have not tried the Zip Top brand.
To wash out the bags after you are done using them, I just stick them on the top shelf of my dishwasher and they are like new! Easy peasy!
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